Welcome to WildDream Art!

An original art site and communication platform about animal, anthro and fantasy creature for all ages

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Welcome to WildDream Art!

An original art site and communication platform about animal, anthro and fantasy creature for all ages

Serving 27400 posts by 16291 users

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在一個涼爽的傍晚,一個黑影迅速地躍上了魚店的生鮮區,往貼滿[特價一百]的架上叼走了一條魚。 [喂!臭小子!又來偷我們家的魚!我今天絕對不饒你!] [呼嚕嚕……喵
我醒了。   在一片湛藍的天空裡,我揉了揉疲憊的眼睛。    我是川上銀太郎,種族是熊,除此之外,一片空白。    我坐在一片花園中