Solving the third quadratic equation, featuring Sally and Marine

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  • Publish Time:2021-12-01 02:15

Solving the third quadratic equation, featuring Sally and Marine

Show that 9x² - 30x + 25 = 0 has only one solution.

First method

9x² - 30x + 25 = 0

(3x - 5)² = 0

x = 5 / 3


Second method

9x² - 30x + 25 = 0

a = 9, b = -30 and c = 25

b² = 900

4ac = 900

b² = 4ac

-b / (2a) = 5 / 3


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0 user (users) favorited this work
  • View Count:252
  • Rating:General - Intended for all ages.
  • Publish Time:2021-12-01 02:15